What is Teacher Planet?

What is Teacher Planet?
Teacher Planet is a resource provided to teachers of all areas. There are tons of resources available from lesson plans to rubrics to worksheets. There are also ESL tools, new teacher tools, job searches, and grant locators.
Is it free?
Teacher Planet is free for all users. Some of the areas are not as developed as other, but all is still free.
What will Teacher Planet bring to your classroom?
This product can prove to be beneficial in all different grades throughout the education system. From using it in the Kindergarten classroom to locate a lesson about the colors to using it in 7th grade classrooms to find a worksheet to use in Algebra to a college student in their internship for early childhood education. This tool brings an easier way to find resources all in one place that vary in usability.
How do I use Teacher Planet?
When you first put it in your webpage bar. The website is easier to navigate than it is to explain, but here's a few things for you to take a look at:
Certificate Builder - build your own certificates
Lesson Plans - find lesson plans for all subject areas
Lesson Templates - set up a template for your plans
Rubrics - find rubrics for your classroom needs
Worksheets - find worksheets to go with any subject area
Posers - find posters for your classroom
New Teachers - this area is to help out new teachers that need some hints and tips
Jobs - locate jobs for yourself as a teacher
Find Grants - find grants to apply for
(retrieved from www.teacherplanet.com)
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